srsinst.rga.tasks package

srsinst.rga.tasks.searchlan module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.searchlan.SearchLanTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Search for RGAs on the local area network (LAN) using SICP.

The information on the all RGAs found displayed in the console with the display option. Available RGAs are displayed in the task result panel.

It does not work if the computer firewall blocks communication on the UDP port 818 used for broadcast.

display option:

The format of output display in the console: Short or Full

input_parameters = {'display option': <srsgui.task.inputs.ListInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.

srsinst.rga.tasks.cemcontroltask module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.cemcontroltask.CEMControlTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Task to set CEM voltage

input_parameters = {'cem high voltage': <srsgui.task.inputs.ListInput object>, 'instrument to control': <srsgui.task.inputs.InstrumentInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.

srsinst.rga.tasks.cemgaintask module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.cemgaintask.CEMGainTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Task to measure CEM gain at different CEM voltage

input_parameters = {'gain to set': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'instrument to control': <srsgui.task.inputs.InstrumentInput object>, 'mass to measure': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'scan speed': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'wait time': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


Override Task.update. It will run when self.notify_data_available() is called.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.

srsinst.rga.tasks.filamentcontroltask module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.filamentcontroltask.FilamentControlTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Task to set filament emission current

input_parameters = {'emission current': <srsgui.task.inputs.FloatInput object>, 'instrument to control': <srsgui.task.inputs.InstrumentInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.

srsinst.rga.tasks.analogscantask module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.analogscantask.AnalogScanTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Task to run analog scans.

input_parameters = {'instrument to control': <srsgui.task.inputs.InstrumentInput object>, 'intensity unit': <srsgui.task.inputs.ListInput object>, 'scan speed': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'start mass': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'step per AMU': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'stop mass': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.

srsinst.rga.tasks.histogramscantask module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.histogramscantask.HistogramScanTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Task to run histogram scans.

input_parameters = {'instrument to control': <srsgui.task.inputs.InstrumentInput object>, 'intensity unit': <srsgui.task.inputs.ListInput object>, 'scan speed': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'start mass': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'stop mass': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.

srsinst.rga.tasks.pvstscantask module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.pvstscantask.PvsTScanTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Task to measure continuously ion intensity for multiple masses

input_parameters = {'instrument to control': <srsgui.task.inputs.InstrumentInput object>, 'intensity unit': <srsgui.task.inputs.ListInput object>, 'masses to measure': <srsgui.task.inputs.StringInput object>, 'scan speed': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.

srsinst.rga.tasks.derivedpvstscantask module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.derivedpvstscantask.DerivedPvsTScanTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Task to run analog scans wide enough to cover all the specified masses and extract ion intensity for the masses from the analog scans.

input_parameters = {'instrument to control': <srsgui.task.inputs.InstrumentInput object>, 'intensity unit': <srsgui.task.inputs.ListInput object>, 'masses to measure': <srsgui.task.inputs.StringInput object>, 'scan speed': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.

additional_figure_names = ['log_scan_plot', 'derived_pvst']

Names for extra Matplotlib figures added to use in the task If empty, only one figure named ‘plot’ is available as a default.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.

srsinst.rga.tasks.compositionanalysistask module

class srsinst.rga.tasks.compositionanalysistask.CompositionAnalysisTask(parent=None)

Bases: Task

Task to run analog scans and analyze composition with a list of gas name from a gas library file.

input_parameters = {'gas list': <srsgui.task.inputs.StringInput object>, 'instrument to control': <srsgui.task.inputs.InstrumentInput object>, 'scan speed': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'start mass': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'step per AMU': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>, 'stop mass': <srsgui.task.inputs.IntegerInput object>}

Class variable to define parameters used in the task. Values in input_parameters can be changed interactively from GUI before the task runs IntegerInput, FloatInput, StringInput, ListInput and InstrumentInput can be used as dictionary values.

additional_figure_names = ['composition_plot', 'derived_pvst']

Names for extra Matplotlib figures added to use in the task If empty, only one figure named ‘plot’ is available as a default.


The task-specific preparation before running test() comes in here. When a task starts, it runs setup() first. If setup() finished without error, it runs test(), the main routine of the task. If setup() finished with an error, test() will not even start.


Toggle patch visibility by clicking a patch in the legend


Test() is the main part of a Task. And a lot of times, test() takes long time to finish. Check frequently if is_running() is true. If not, test() should finish voluntarily as soon as possible.


After test() is finished, cleanup() will run subsequently. Any cleanup and closing routine can be added here.


Read gaslib.dat file as a dict

build_coeff_matrix(gas_library, start_mass=1, stop_mass=50, gas_name_list=('Water', 'Nitrogen', 'Oxygen', 'Carbon dioxide'))

Build a least square fit coefficient matrix based on mass range and reference gas histogram spectra.