

‘PySide6.QtGui.QAction’ object has no attribute ‘menu’.

It happens with PySide6 V.6.2.4. or earlier. It is fixed with V.6.3.0 or later. If ‘pip’ does not allow to upgrade to a newer version, upgrade ‘pip’ first.

# Upgrade pip, if necessary.
python -m pip install pip --upgrade

# Upgrade PySide6 to the latest
python -m pip install pyside6 --upgrade

TaskMain.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given.

It is a bug with PySide6 V.6.5.0. It is supposed to be fixed with the next Pyside6 release. Meanwhile, you have to downgrade PySide6 to V.6.4.3.

It is fixed with PySide6 V.6.5.1.

# To downgrade to V. 6.4.3
python -m pip uninstall pyside6
python -m pip install pyside6==6.4.3

# To upgrade to the latest version
python -m pip install pyside6 --upgrade